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04719 Maqqedah {mak-kay-daw'}

源自于 05348 相同, "成群" 之意引申而来
   (比较 05349); 专有名词 地名

AV - Makkedah 9; 9

玛基大 = "牧人之地"
1) 约书亚战胜并处死迦南五王的一个洞穴; 
本字典尚在发展中,错缪缺漏难免,请多多包涵!有意见请联系twcbhdic「@」fhl.net 注:<神出>表示TWOT神学辞典编号和此字第一次出处
<神出> 书10:10
<译词>玛基大9 (9)
犹大高原,迦南五城,约书亚于此追敌,杀五王, 书10:10,16,17,21,28,28,29 12:16 15:41

04719 Maqqedah {mak-kay-daw'}

from the same as 05348 in the denominative sense of herding
   (compare 05349);; n pr loc

AV - Makkedah 9; 9

Makkedah = "place of shepherds"
1) the location of a cave in Judah where Joshua captured and executed
   five Canaanite kings during the conquest; located near Bethhoron
   and Libnah