主题JOY (欢喜/喜乐 )
     申 28:63  30:9  耶 32:41 

     路 15:10-32 

     申 12:18  撒上 2:1  代上 16:27  代下 7:10  拉 6:22 
     尼 8:10,12  12:43  伯 8:21  22:21,26  33:26  诗 2:11  4:7 
     诗 5:11  9:2,14  13:5  14:7  16:5,6,8,9,11  17:15  19:8  20:5 
     诗 21:1,6  28:7  30:5,11,12  32:1,2,11  33:21  35:9  36:8 
     诗 64:10  68:3  69:32  70:4  71:23  85:6  89:15,16  97:11,12 
     诗 40:16  42:4  43:4  45:15  46:4  51:8,12  53:6  63:5-7,11 
     诗 100:1,2  104:34  105:3,43  119:1,2,14,16,55,111,162,165 
     诗 126:5,6  132:16  138:5  149:2,5  箴 10:28  13:9  19:23 
     箴 28:12  29:6  传 2:26  赛 9:3  12:1-6  25:9  29:19  30:29 
     赛 35:1,2,10  41:16  44:23  49:13  51:11  52:9  55:12  56:7 
     赛 61:3,7,10  65:14,19  66:10-12,14  耶 15:16  31:12-14,25,26 
     耶 33:6,11  珥 2:23  鸿 1:15  哈 3:18  番 3:14  该 2:9 
     亚 2:10  9:9  10:7  太 18:13  25:21  路 1:47  2:10  6:22,23 
     路 10:20  15:6-8,10,22-32  24:52  约 16:20,22,24,33  17:13 
     徒 2:28  8:8,39  13:52  16:25,34  罗 5:2,11  12:12  14:17 
     罗 15:13  林后 1:12,24  6:10  7:4  8:2  12:10  加 5:22 
     弗 5:18,19  腓 3:3  4:4  西 1:11  帖前 1:6  5:16  来 10:34 
     雅 1:2  5:13  彼前 1:8  4:13  约一 1:4  犹 1:24 

   .摩西和以色列人, 当法老和其军队灭顶时
       出 15:1-22 
   .底波拉和以色列人, 当西西拉被打倒时
       士 5 
   .耶弗他的女儿, 当他战胜亚扪人回家时
       士 11:34 
   .哈拿, 当撒母耳出生时
       撒上 2:1-11 
   .拿俄米, 当波阿斯恩待路得时
       得 2:20  4:14 
         撒上 10:24 
         撒上 18:6,7 
         代上 12:40 
         代上 13:6-8 
         代上 15:16,25,28 
         代上 29:9 
     .在以斯拉管理之下, 庆祝奉献圣殿之礼并住棚节时
         拉 6:16,22 
   .犹太人, 重新听闻上帝的话语时
       尼 8:9-18 
       代下 15:14,15  23:18,21  29:30,36  30:21,23,26 
       尼 12:43 
       拉 3:11-13 
       代上 29:10-19 
       斯 8:15,16  7:10 
   .以利沙伯, 当马利亚探望她时
       路 1:5-44 
   .马利亚, 当她探望以利沙伯时
       路 1:46-56 
   .撒迦利亚, 当施洗约翰出生时
       路 1:67-79 
   .天使, 当耶稣出生时
       路 2:13,14 
   .牧羊人, 当他们看见婴孩耶稣时
       路 2:20 
       太 2:10 
   .西面, 当他见到耶稣在圣殿中被献给主时
       路 2:28-32 
   .门徒, 因为魔鬼臣服于他们
       路 10:17 
   .浪子的父亲, 当浪子回头时
       路 15:20-32 
   .天使, 当罪人悔改时
       路 15:7,10 
   .门徒, 当耶稣得胜进耶路撒冷时
       太 21:8,9  可 11:8-10 
       太 28:8 
   .门徒, 耶稣复活后
       路 24:41 
   .耶稣升天后, 门徒在圣殿中就欢喜
       路 24:53 
   .门徒在圣殿中欢喜, 因为他们领受了圣灵的恩赐
       徒 2:46,47 
       徒 3:8 
   .保罗, 上耶路撒冷时
       徒 20:22-24 
   .保罗和西拉, 在腓立比监牢里
       徒 16:25 
   .罗大, 当她听见门口有彼得的声音时
       徒 12:14 
   .门徒在耶路撒冷, 当彼得告诉他们哥尼流和其他外邦人归主时
       徒 11:18 
   .巴拿巴, 当他见到福音在叙利亚的安提阿顺利传扬时
       徒 11:22,23 
   .保罗和哥林多人, 因为遭逐出教会的成员悔改
       林后 1:24  2:3 
   .保罗和提多, 因为哥林多人殷勤款待
       林后 7:13  8:6  罗 15:32  林前 16:18 
   .马其顿的基督徒, 当他们捐助耶路撒冷的基督徒时
       林后 8:2 
   .保罗, 为腓立比的基督徒祈祷时
       腓 1:4 
   .帖撒罗尼迦人, 当他们相信保罗传的福音时
       帖前 1:6 
   .保罗, 为了因他归主的人欢欣
       帖前 2:19,20  3:9  门 1:7 
   .初代基督徒, 当他们相信耶稣时
       彼前 1:8,9 

     伯 20:5  箴 14:13  15:21  传 2:10  7:6  11:8,9  赛 16:10 
     雅 4:9 
   .见 快乐/幸福 
   .见 赞美/称颂 
   .见 感恩 
 -Attributed to God
     De 28:63  30:9  Jer 32:41 

 -In heaven
     Lu 15:10-32 

     De 12:18  1Sa 2:1  1Ch 16:27  2Ch 7:10  Ezr 6:22  Ne
    8:10,12  12:43  Job 8:21  22:21,26  33:26  Ps 2:11  4:7  5:11  9:2,14  13:5  14:7  16:5,6,8,9,11  17:15  19:8  20:5  21:1,6  28:7  30:5,11,12  32:1,2,11  33:21  35:9  36:8  40:16  42:4  43:4  45:15  46:4  51:8,12  53:6  63:5-7,11  64:10  68:3  69:32  70:4  71:23  85:6  89:15,16  97:11,12  100:1,2  104:34  105:3,43  119:1,2,14,16,55,111,162,165  126:5,6  132:16  138:5  149:2,5  Pr 10:28  13:9  19:23  28:12  29:6  Ec 2:26  Isa 9:3  12:1-6  25:9  29:19  30:29  35:1,2,10  41:16  44:23  49:13  51:11  52:9  55:12  56:7  61:3,7,10  65:14,19  66:10-12,14  Jer 15:16  31:12-14,25,26  33:6,11  Joe 2:23  Na 1:15  Hab 3:18  Zep 3:14  Hag 2:9  Zec
    2:10  9:9  10:7  Mt 18:13  25:21  Lu 1:47  2:10  6:22,23  10:20  15:6-8,10,22-32  24:52  Joh 16:20,22,24,33  17:13  Ac
    2:28  8:8,39  13:52  16:25,34  Ro 5:2,11  12:12  14:17  15:13  2Co 1:12,24  6:10  7:4  8:2  12:10  Ga 5:22  Eph
    5:18,19  Php 3:3  4:4  Col 1:11  1Th 1:6  5:16  Heb 10:34  Jas 1:2  5:13  1Pe 1:8  4:13  1Jo 1:4  Jude 1:24 

   .Of Moses and the Israelites, when Pharaoh and his army were
       Ex 15:1-22 
   .Of Deborah and the Israelites, when Sisera was overthrown
       Jud 5 
   .Of Jephthah's daughter, when he returned from his victory
    over the Ammonites
       Jud 11:34 
   .Of Hannah, when Samuel was born
       1Sa 2:1-11 
   .Of Naomi, when Boaz showed kindness to Ruth
       Ru 2:20  4:14 
   .Of the Israelites
     .When Saul was presented as their king
         1Sa 10:24 
     .When David killed Goliath
         1Sa 18:6,7 
     .When they came to David to Hebron to make him king
         1Ch 12:40 
     .When they took the ark of the covenant from Kirjath-jearim
         1Ch 13:8 
     .When they brought the ark of the covenant from the house
      of Obed-edom to Jerusalem
         1Ch 15:16,25,28 
     .When they made gifts to the house of God
         1Ch 29:9 
     .When they observed the dedication of the temple, and the
      feast of tabernacles under Ezra
         Ezr 6:16,22 
   .Of the Jews, after hearing, anew, the word of God
       Ne 8:9-18 
   .When they turned away from idolatry
       2Ch 15:14,15  23:18,21  29:30,36  30:21,23,26 
   .When the wall of Jerusalem was dedicated
       Ne 12:43 
   .When the foundation of the second temple was laid
       Ezr 3:11-13 
   .Of David, over the offerings of the princes and people for
    the house of God
       1Ch 29:10-19 
   .Jews, over the hanging of Haman
       Es 8:15,16  7:10 
   .Of Elisabeth, when Mary visited her
       Lu 1:5-44 
   .Of Mary, when she visited Elisabeth
       Lu 1:46-56 
   .Of Zecharias, when John the Baptist was born
       Lu 1:67-79 
   .Of angels, when Jesus was born
       Lu 2:13,14 
   .Of the shepherds, when they saw the infant Jesus
       Lu 2:20 
   .Of the Magi
       Mt 2:10 
   .Of Simeon, when Jesus was presented in the temple
       Lu 2:28-32 
   .Of the disciples, because the demons were subject to them
       Lu 10:17 
   .Of the father, when his prodigal son returned
       Lu 15:20-32 
   .Of angels, when sinners repent
       Lu 15:7,10 
   .Of the disciples, when Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem
       Mt 21:8,9  Mr 11:8-10 
   .Of the women who returned from the Lord's sepulcher
       Mt 28:8 
   .The disciple, after the resurrection of Jesus
       Lu 24:41 
   .Of the disciples in the temple after the ascension of Jesus
       Lu 24:53 
   .Of the disciples in the temple because they had received the
    gift of the Holy Spirit
       Ac 2:46,47 
   .Of the immobile man who was healed by Peter
       Ac 3:8 
   .Of Paul, when he went up to Jerusalem
       Ac 20:22-24 
   .Of Paul and Silas, in the jail at Philippi
       Ac 16:25 
   .Of Rhoda, when she heard Peter at the gate
       Ac 12:14 
   .Of the disciples at Jerusalem, when Peter told them about
    the conversion of Cornelius and other Gentiles
       Ac 11:18 
   .Of Barnabas, when he saw the success of the gospel at
    Antioch (in Syria)
       Ac 11:22,23 
   .Of Paul and the Corinthians, because the excommunicated
    member repented
       2Co 1:24  2:3 
   .Of Paul and Titus, because of the hospitality of the
       2Co 7:13  8:6  Ro 15:32  1Co 16:18 
   .Of the Macedonian Christians, when they made a contribution
    for the Christians at Jerusalem
       2Co 8:2 
   .Of Paul, when he prayed for the Philippian Christians
       Php 1:4 
   .Of Thessalonians, when they believed Paul's gospel
       1Th 1:6 
   .Of Paul, rejoicing over his converts
       1Th 2:19,20  3:9  Phm 1:7 
   .Of early Christians, when they believed in Jesus
       1Pe 1:8,9 

     Job 20:5  Pr 14:13  15:21  Ec 2:10  7:6  11:8,9  Isa 16:10  Jas 4:9 
   .See PRAISE
