主题Uprightness (正直 )
 - 上帝全然正直
      赛 26:7 

 - 上帝喜悦正直
      代上 29:17 

 - 上帝造人原是正直
      传 7:29 

 - 人已经偏离正直
      传 7:29 

 - 下列事物要正直
   . 心
        代下 29:34  诗 125:4 

   . 言语
        赛 33:15 

   . 行为
        箴 14:2 

   . 审判
        诗 58:1  75:2 

   . 治理
        诗 78:72 

 - 要称得上正直, 必须不犯任意妄为的罪
      诗 19:13 

 - 穷乏而正直, 胜过富足而有罪
      箴 28:6 

 - 穷乏而正直, 胜过愚妄
      箴 19:1 

 - 行为正直的人
   . 敬畏上帝
        箴 14:2 

   . 爱基督
        歌 1:4 

   . 为上帝所赞许
        诗 11:7 

   . 为上帝所喜悦
        箴 11:20 

   . 其祷告为上帝所喜悦
        箴 15:8 

   . 上帝使他们亨通
        伯 8:6  箴 14:11 

   . 为上帝所保护
        箴 2:7 

   . 在正直中为上帝所扶持
        诗 41:12 

   . 受上帝酬报
        诗 18:23,24 

   . 在上帝的道中得力
        箴 10:29 

   . 从上帝的作为得益
        弥 2:7 

   . 在黑暗中得见光
        诗 112:4 

   . 受纯正引导
        箴 11:3 

   . 行路安稳
        箴 10:9 

   . 行事坚定
        箴 21:29 

   . 因公义而蒙保守
        箴 13:6 

   . 为恶人所讥笑
        伯 12:4 

   . 为恶人所恨恶
        箴 29:10  摩 5:10 

   . 为恶人所嫌憎
        箴 29:21 

   . 为恶人所逼迫
        诗 37:14 

   . 他们的赞美是合宜的
        诗 33:1 

   . 是他人的祝福
        箴 11:11 

 - 真正的聪明人行事正直
      箴 15:21 

 - 正直的道就是远离恶事
      箴 16:17 

 - 行事正直的人必
   . 承受福分
        箴 28:10 

   . 上帝没有留下什么好处不给他们
        诗 84:11 

   . 安居世上
        箴 2:21 

   . 安居高处, 衣食不缺
        赛 33:16 

   . 与上帝同住
        诗 15:2  140:13 

   . 蒙福
        诗 112:2 

   . 因公义蒙拯救
        箴 11:6 

   . 因其智慧蒙拯救
        箴 12:6 

   . 得救
        箴 28:18 

   . 进入平和
        诗 37:37  赛 57:2 

   . 辖管恶人
        诗 49:14 

   . 有永远的产业
        诗 37:18 

 - 是圣徒的特徵
      诗 111:1  赛 26:7 

 - 圣徒应下决心行事正直
      诗 26:11 

 - 恶人
   . 心术不正
        哈 2:4 

   . 舍弃正直的路
        箴 2:13 

   . 行动不正直
        弥 7:2,4 

 - 当为行为正直的人祷告
      诗 125:4 

 - 要责备偏离正直的人
      加 2:14 
 - God is perfect in
      Isa 26:7 

 - God has pleasure in
      1Ch 29:17 

 - God created man in
      Ec 7:29 

 - Man has deviated from
      Ec 7:29 

   . Heart
        2Ch 29:34  Ps 125:4 

   . Speech
        Isa 33:15 

   . Walk
        Pr 14:2 

   . Judging
        Ps 58:1  75:2 

   . Ruling
        Ps 78:72 

 - The being kept from presumptuous sins is necessary to
      Ps 19:13 

 - With poverty, is better than sin with riches
      Pr 28:6 

 - With poverty, is better than folly
      Pr 19:1 

   . Fear God
        Pr 14:2 

   . Love Christ
        So 1:4 

   . Countenanced by God
        Ps 11:7 

   . Delighted in by God
        Pr 11:20 

   . Their prayer delighted in by God
        Pr 15:8 

   . Prospered by God
        Job 8:6  Pr 14:11 

   . Defended by God
        Pr 2:7 

   . Upheld in it by God
        Ps 41:12 

   . Recompensed by God
        Ps 18:23,24 

   . Find strengths in God's way
        Pr 10:29 

   . Obtain good from God's work
        Mic 2:7 

   . Obtain light in darkness
        Ps 112:4 

   . Guided by integrity
        Pr 11:3 

   . Walk surely
        Pr 10:9 

   . Direct their way
        Pr 21:29 

   . Kept by righteousness
        Pr 13:6 

   . Scorned by the wicked
        Job 12:4 

   . Hated by the wicked
        Pr 29:10  Am 5:10 

   . Abominated by the wicked
        Pr 29:21 

   . Persecuted by the wicked
        Ps 37:14 

   . Praise is comely for
        Ps 33:1 

   . A blessing to others
        Pr 11:11 

 - The truly wise walk in
      Pr 15:21 

 - The way of, is to depart from evil
      Pr 16:17 

   . Possess good things
        Pr 28:10 

   . Have nothing good withheld
        Ps 84:11 

   . Dwell in the land
        Pr 2:21 

   . Dwell on high and be provided for
        Isa 33:16 

   . Dwell with God
        Ps 15:2  140:13 

   . Be blessed
        Ps 112:2 

   . Be delivered by righteousness
        Pr 11:6 

   . Be delivered by their wisdom
        Pr 12:6 

   . Be saved
        Pr 28:18 

   . Enter into peace
        Ps 37:37  Isa 57:2 

   . Have dominion over the wicked
        Ps 49:14 

   . Have inheritance for ever
        Ps 37:18 

 - A characteristic of saints
      Ps 111:1  Isa 26:7 

 - Saints should resolve to walk in
      Ps 26:11 

   . Have not, in heart
        Hab 2:4 

   . Leave not the path of
        Pr 2:13 

   . Do not act with
        Mic 7:2,4 

 - Pray for those who walk in
      Ps 125:4 

 - Reprove those who deviate from
      Ga 2:14 
