主题Visions (异象 / 默示 )
 - 上帝常用异象晓谕他的旨意
      诗 89:19 

 - 上帝特别用异象象先知显明他自己
      民 12:6 

 - 往往伴随着
   . 上帝荣耀的代表
        赛 6:1 

   . 从天而来听得见的声音
        创 15:1  撒上 3:4,5 

   . 天使出现
        路 1:22,11  24:23  徒 10:3 

   . 人的出现
        徒 9:12  16:9 

 - 领受异象的人往往觉得异象艰深难解
        但 7:15  8:15  徒 10:17 

 - 异象传递的时候
   . 夜间
        创 46:2  但 2:19 

   . 恍神时
        民 24:16  徒 11:5 

 - 为了裨益百姓, 往往被记下来
      哈 2:2 

 - 为了裨益百姓, 异象往往加增
      何 12:10 

 - 圣经上提到得见异象的人
   . 亚伯拉罕
        创 15:1 

   . 雅各
        创 46:2 

   . 摩西
        出 3:2,3  徒 7:30-32 

   . 撒母耳
        撒上 3:2-15 

   . 拿单
        撒下 7:4,17 

   . 以利法
        伯 4:13-16 

   . 以赛亚
        赛 6:1-8 

   . 以西结
        结 1:4-14  8:2-14  11:24,25  37:1-10 

   . 尼布甲尼撒
        但 2:28  但 4:5 

   . 但以理
        但 2:19 

   . 阿摩斯
        摩 7:1-9  8:1-6  9:1 

   . 撒迦利亚
        亚 1:8  3:1  4:2  5:2  6:1 

   . 保罗
        徒 9:3,6  16:9  18:9  22:18  27:23  代下 12:1-4 

   . 亚拿尼亚
        徒 9:10,11 

   . 哥尼流
        徒 10:3 

   . 彼得
        徒 10:9-17 

   . 约翰
        启 1:12 

 - 有时上帝很久不给人默示
      撒上 3:1 

 - 上帝不给默示是一大不幸
      箴 29:18  哀 2:9 

 - 假先知谎称见到异象
      耶 14:14  23:16 

 - 上帝的先知善于诠释异象
      代下 26:5  但 1:17 
 - God often made known his will by
      Ps 89:19 

 - God especially made himself known to prophets by
      Nu 12:6 

   . A representative of the divine person and glory
        Isa 6:1 

   . An audible voice from heaven
        Ge 15:1  1Sa 3:4,5 

   . An appearance of angels
        Lu 1:22,11  24:23  Ac 10:3 

   . An appearance of human beings
        Ac 9:12  16:9 

 - Frequently difficult and perplexing to those who received
      Da 7:15  8:15  Ac 10:17 

   . In the night season
        Ge 46:2  Da 2:19 

   . In a trance
        Nu 24:16  Ac 11:5 

 - Often recorded for the benefit of the people
      Hab 2:2 

 - Often multiplied for the benefit of the people
      Ho 12:10 

   . To Abraham
        Ge 15:1 

   . To Jacob
        Ge 46:2 

   . To Moses
        Ex 3:2,3  Ac 7:30-32 

   . To Samuel
        1Sa 3:2-15 

   . To Nathan
        2Sa 7:4,17 

   . To Eliphaz
        Job 4:13-16 

   . To Isaiah
        Isa 6:1-8 

   . To Ezekiel (See chapters 10, 40-48 of Ezekiel)
        Eze 1:4-14  8:2-14  11:24,25  37:1-10 

   . To Nebuchadnezzar
        Da 2:28  Da 4:5 

   . To Daniel (See chapters 7, 8, and 10 of Daniel)
        Da 2:19 

   . To Amos
        Am 7:1-9  8:1-6  9:1 

   . To Zechariah
        Zec 1:8  3:1  4:2  5:2  6:1 

   . To Paul
        Ac 9:3,6  16:9  18:9  22:18  27:23  2Ch 12:1-4 

   . To Ananias
        Ac 9:10,11 

   . To Cornelius
        Ac 10:3 

   . To Peter
        Ac 10:9-17 

   . To John (See also Rev chapters 4 - 22)
        Re 1:12 

 - Sometimes withheld for a long season
      1Sa 3:1 

 - The withholding of a great calamity
      Pr 29:18  La 2:9 

 - False prophets pretended to have seen
      Jer 14:14  23:16 

 - The prophets of God skilled in interpreting
      2Ch 26:5  Da 1:17 
