主题SAUL (扫罗 )
 -1. 以东王
       创 36:37,38  代上 1:48,49 

 -2. 以色列王
   .便雅悯人, 基士的儿子
       撒上 9:1,2 
       代上 8:33 
       撒上 9:2  10:23 
       撒上 9  10  11:12-15  何 13:11 
       撒上 14:2  15:34  赛 10:29 
       撒上 13  14:46,52 
       撒上 15 
       撒上 13:11-14 
   .撒母耳责备他不顺服, 未将亚玛力人灭绝; 预言他的国度将衰亡
       撒上 15 
       撒上 15:21-25  代上 26:28 
   .打发使者去找耶西, 要大卫作他的乐师并帮他拿兵器
       撒上 16:17-23 
   .大卫杀死歌利亚以后, 扫罗再度大败非利士人
       撒上 17 
   .嫉妒大卫; 把女儿米甲嫁给大卫为妻; 成了大卫的敌人
       撒上 18 
   .企图谋害大卫; 约拿单为大卫求情, 惹得扫罗不悦; 大卫与约拿单
    的友谊忠贞不渝; 扫罗只后悔了一阵子; 一些预言
       撒上 19 
   .听说多益与祭司亚希米勒为敌, 就让多益杀了他全家. 追大卫追到
    西弗旷野; 西弗人将大卫的行踪泄露给扫罗
       撒上 23 
       撒上 24:1-6 
       撒上 24:5-8 
       撒上 24:16-22 
   .西弗人再次将大卫的行踪泄露给扫罗; 扫罗追他直追到哈基拉山;
    大卫再次放他一条生路; 他忏悔, 并为大卫祝福
       撒上 26 
   .杀了基遍人; 一报还一报, 七个儿子遭处死
       撒下 21:1-9 
   .非利士人入侵他的王国; 求问隐多珥的女巫, 她预言他自己会死于
       撒上 28:3-25  29:1 
   .吃败仗, 跟几个儿子一同被杀
       撒上 31 
   .他们曝尸于伯珊; 雅比的居民为他们收尸并安葬他们; 其骸骨埋在
       撒上 31  撒下 1  撒下 2  代上 10 
       代上 10:13 

 -3. 大数的扫罗
   .见 保罗

 -1. Also called SHAUL
   .King of Edom
       Ge 36:37,38  1Ch 1:48,49 

 -2. King of Israel
   .A Benjamite, son of Kish
       1Sa 9:1,2 
   .Sons of
       1Ch 8:33 
   .His personal appearance
       1Sa 9:2  10:23 
   .Made king of Israel
       1Sa 9  10  11:12-15  Ho 13:11 
   .Lives at Gibeah of Saul
       1Sa 14:2  15:34  Isa 10:29 
   .Defeats the Philistines
       1Sa 13  14:46,52 
   .Strikes the Amalekites
       1Sa 15 
   .Is reproved by Samuel for usurping the priestly functions
       1Sa 13:11-14 
   .Samuel rebukes him for disobedience by not exterminating the
    Amalekites; the loss of his kingdom is foretold
       1Sa 15 
   .Dedicates the spoils of war
       1Sa 15:21-25  1Ch 26:28 
   .Sends messengers to Jesse, asking that David be sent to him
    as a musician and an armor-bearer
       1Sa 16:17-23 
   .Defeats the Philistines after Goliath is killed by David
       1Sa 17 
   .His jealousy of David; gives his daughter, Michal, to David
    to be his wife; becomes David's enemy
       1Sa 18 
   .Tries to kill David; Jonathan intercedes and incurs his
    father's displeasure; David's loyalty to Jonathan; Saul's
    temporary remorse; prophesies
       1Sa 19 
   .Hears Doeg against Ahimelech, and kills the priest and his
    family. pursues David to wilderness of Ziph; the Ziphites
    betray David to
       1Sa 23 
   .Pursues David to En-gedi
       1Sa 24:1-6 
   .His life spared by David
       1Sa 24:5-8 
   .Saul's contrition for his bad faith
       1Sa 24:16-22 
   .David is again betrayed to, by the Ziphites; Saul pursues
    him to the hill of Hachilah; his life spared again by David;
    his confession, and his blessing upon David
       1Sa 26 
   .Kills the Gibeonites; crime avenged by the death of seven of
    his sons
       2Sa 21:1-9 
   .His kingdom invaded by Philistines; seeks counsel of the
    witch of En-dor, who foretells his own death
       1Sa 28:3-25  29:1 
   .Is defeated, and is killed with some of his sons
       1Sa 31 
   .Their bodies exposed in Beth-shan; rescued by the people of
    Jabesh and burned; bones of, buried under a tree at Jabesh
       1Sa 31  2Sa 1  2  1Ch 10 
   .His death is a judgment on account of his sins
       1Ch 10:13 

 -3. Of Tarsus
   .See PAUL
