中文内容 | -亚摩斯的儿子
赛 1:1
赛 1:1 6:1 7:1,3 14:27 20:1 36:1 38:1 39:1
赛 20:1
-象徵性地穿麻衣, 赤脚行走, 作为给以色列的预兆
赛 20:2,3
-耶路撒冷遭拉伯沙基围困时, 安慰并鼓励希西家和百姓
王下 18 王下 19 赛 37:6,7
王下 20:1-11
赛 38
-为了坚固希西家的信心, 行了日影后退的神迹
王下 20:8-11
王下 20:12-19
赛 39
代下 26:22 32:32
.预言犹太人因拜偶像而受罚, 责备他们自恃而不信任上帝
赛 2:6-20
赛 3
赛 4:2-6
赛 6
赛 5:1-10
赛 5:8-30
赛 7:1-16
赛 7:16-25
.预言希西家年间的兴隆, 并弥赛亚的显现
赛 9:1-7
赛 9:8-12
.宣告以色列的邪恶, 预言上帝的审判
赛 9:13-21
赛 10:1-4
赛 10:5-34
.以色列复荣, 弥赛亚国度的胜利
赛 11
赛 13 14:1-28
赛 14:9-32
赛 15 赛 16
赛 17
.晦涩的预言, 有专家认为是针对亚述人, 有的认为是针对埃及人,
赛 18
赛 19 赛 20
赛 21:1-10
赛 21:11,12
赛 21:13-17
.关于耶路撒冷被攻占, 舍伯那被掳, 以利亚敬擢升
赛 22:1-22
赛 23
.审判临到这地, 不过有一批犹太人余民会得拯救
赛 25 赛 26 赛 27
.责备以法莲的罪恶, 预言遭撒缦以色毁灭
赛 28:1-5
赛 28:5,6
.揭露耶路撒冷的败坏, 劝勉人悔改
赛 28:7-29
.预言西拿基立来犯, 犹太人悲伤, 亚述军队遭毁灭
赛 29:1-8
赛 29:9-17
赛 29:18-24
.责备百姓仗着埃及有恃无恐, 轻蔑上帝
赛 30:1-17 31:1-6
赛 30:18-26
赛 32 赛 33 赛 34 赛 35
赛 42:18-25
赛 43:1-13
赛 43:14-17
赛 47
赛 43:22-28
.用上帝的应许安慰犹太群体, 揭示拜偶像是愚昧的,
预言他们将来被掳归回, 脱离古列的手
赛 44 45:1-5 48:20
.预言外邦人归主, 福音致胜
赛 45:5-25
赛 46
赛 48
赛 56:1-8
赛 59:9-12
赛 57 赛 58 赛 59
赛 32 |
内容 |
-Also called ESAIAS
-Son of Amos
Isa 1:1
-Prophesies in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah,
kings of Judah
Isa 1:1 6:1 7:1,3 14:27 20:1 36:1 38:1 39:1
-Prophecy at the time of the invasion by Tartan, of Assyria
Isa 20:1
-Symbolically wears sackcloth, and walks barefoot as a sign to
Isa 20:2,3
-Comforts and encourages Hezekiah and the people during the
siege of Jerusalem by Rab-shakeh
2Ki 18 19 Isa 37:6,7
-Comforts Hezekiah in his affliction
2Ki 20:1-11 Isa 38
-Performs the miracle of the returning shadow to confirm
Hezekiah's faith
2Ki 20:8-11
-Reproves Hezekiah's folly in exhibiting his resources to the
commissioners from Babylon
2Ki 20:12-19 Isa 39
-Is the chronicler of the times of Uzziah and Hezekiah
2Ch 26:22 32:32
.Foretells punishment of the Jews for idolatry, and reproves
self-confidence and distrust of God
Isa 2:6-20
.Foretells the destruction of the Jews
Isa 3
.Promises to the remnant restoration of divine favour
Isa 4:2-6 6
.Delineates the ingratitude of the Jews in the parable of the
vineyard, and reproves it
Isa 5:1-10
.Denounces existing corruptions
Isa 5:8-30
.Foretells the failure of the plot of the Israelites and
Syrians against Judah
Isa 7:1-16
.Denounces calamities against Israel and Judah
Isa 7:16-25 9:2-6
.Foretells prosperity under Hezekiah, and the manifestation
of the Messiah
Isa 9:1-7
.Denounces vengeance upon the enemies of Israel
Isa 9:8-12
.Denounces the wickedness of Israel, and foretells the
judgments of God
Isa 9:13-21
.Denounces judgments against false prophets
Isa 10:1-4
.Foretells the destruction of Sennacherib's armies
Isa 10:5-34
.The restoration of Israel and the triumph of the Messiah's
Isa 11
.The burden of Babylon
Isa 13 14:1-28
.Denunciation against the Philistines
Isa 14:9-32
.Burden of Moab
Isa 15 16
.Burden of Damascus
Isa 17
.An obscure prophecy, supposed by some authorities to be
directed against the Assyrians, by others against the
Egyptians, and by others against the Ethiopians
Isa 18
.The burden of Egypt
Isa 19 20
.Denunciations against Babylon
Isa 21:1-10
.Prophecy concerning Seir
Isa 21:11,12
Isa 21:13-17
.Concerning the conquest of Jerusalem, the captivity of
Shebna, and the promotion of Eliakim
Isa 22:1-22
.The overthrow of Tyre
Isa 23
.The judgments upon the land, but that a remnant of the Jews
would be saved
Isa 25 26 27
.Reproves Ephraim for his wickedness, and fortells the
destruction by Shalmaneser
Isa 28:1-5
.Declares the glory of God upon the remnant who are saved
Isa 28:5,6
.Exposes the corruptions in Jerusalem and exhorts to
Isa 28:7-29
.Foretells the invasion of Sennacherib, the distress of the
Jews, and the destruction of the Assyrian army
Isa 29:1-8
.Denounces the hypocrisy of the Jews
Isa 29:9-17
.Promises a reformation
Isa 29:18-24
.Reproves the people for their confidence in Egypt, and their
contempt of God
Isa 30:1-17 31:1-6
.Declares the goodness and longsuffering of God toward them
Isa 30:18-26 32 33 34 35
.Reproves the Jews for their spiritual blindness and
Isa 42:18-25
.Promises ultimate restoration of the Jews
Isa 43:1-13
.Foretells the ultimate destruction of Babylon
Isa 43:14-17 47
.Exhorts the people to repent
Isa 43:22-28
.Comforts the Jewish community with promises, exposes the
folly of idolatry, and their future deliverance from
captivity by Cyrus
Isa 44 45:1-5 48:20
.Fortells the conversion of the Gentiles and the triumph of
the gospel
Isa 45:5-25
.Denounces the evils of idolatry
Isa 46
.Reproves the Jews for their idolatries and other wickedness
Isa 48
.Exhorts to sanctification
Isa 56:1-8
.Foretells calamities to Judah
Isa 59:9-12 57 58 59
.Foreshadows the person and the kingdom of the Messiah
Isa 32