03428 03430舊約新約 Strong's number
03429 t,b,V;B\  bevOy\   出現經文 相關查詢
03429 Yosheb bash-Shebeth {yo-shabe' bash-sheh'-beth}

源於 03427 的主動分詞和 07674, 加插了介系詞及冠詞; 陽性專有名詞

AV - variant for seat 1; 1

約設巴設 = "居於安息中"
1) 大衛王的大能勇士之一 ( 撒下 23:8 )
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【3429】יֹשֵׁב בַּשֶׂבֶת
<音譯>Yosheb bash-Shebeth
<神出> 撒下23:8
<譯詞>約設巴設1 (1)
大衛王的一大勇士, 撒下23:8 。*

03429 Yosheb bash-Shebeth {yo-shabe' bash-sheh'-beth}

from the act. participle of 03427 and 07674, with a preposition
   and the article interposed;; n pr m

AV - variant for seat 1; 1

Josheb-basshebeth = "dwelling in rest"
1) one of David's mighty warriors