03239 03241舊約新約 Strong's number
03240 出現經文 相關查詢
03240 yanach {yaw-nakh'}

字根型; TWOT - 1323; 動詞

欽定本 - leave 24, up 10, lay 8, suffer 5, place 4, put 4, set 4,
     ...down 4, let alone 4, ...him 2, bestowed 1, leave off 1,
     pacifieth 1, still 1, withdraw 1, withhold 1; 75

1) 休息
   1a) (Qal)
       1a1) 休息, 安頓並留下來
       1a2) 歇息, 休息, 安靜
   1b) (Hiphil)
       1b1) 使休息, 給...休息
       1b2) 使休息, 使從車上或馬背等下來, 放下
       1b3) 躺下或放下, 放置, 安置
       1b4) 讓...繼續存在, 保持現狀
       1b5) 離開, 從...出發
       1b6) 遺棄
       1b7) 不插手干預
       1b8) 容許
   1c) (Hophal)
       1c1) 得到休息, 獲准休息
       1c2) 開放空間(實名詞)
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03240 yanach {yaw-nakh'}

a primitive root; TWOT - 1323; v

AV - leave 24, up 10, lay 8, suffer 5, place 4, put 4, set 4,
     ...down 4, let alone 4, ...him 2, bestowed 1, leave off 1,
     pacifieth 1, still 1, withdraw 1, withhold 1; 75

1) to rest
   1a) (Qal)
       1a1) to rest, settle down and remain
       1a2) to repose, have rest, be quiet
   1b) (Hiphil)
       1b1) to cause to rest, give rest to, make quiet
       1b2) to cause to rest, cause to alight, set down
       1b3) to lay or set down, deposit, let lie, place
       1b4) to let remain, leave
       1b5) to leave, depart from
       1b6) to abandon
       1b7) to permit
   1c) (Hophal)
       1c1) to obtain rest, be granted rest
       1c2) to be left, be placed
       1c3) open space (subst)