主題Altar of Burnt-offering, The (燔祭壇 )
 - 尺寸大小
      出 27:1  38:1 

 - 四拐角上有四個角
      出 27:2  38:2 

 - 用銅包裹
      出 27:2 

 - 一切器具是銅造的
      出 27:3  38:3 

 - 銅網安置於壇中
      出 27:4,5  38:4 

 - 配上環子和杠
      出 27:6,7  38:5-7 

 - 按照上帝指示的圖樣做成
      出 27:8 

 - 稱為
   . 銅壇
        出 39:39  王上 8:64 

   . 神的祭壇
        詩 43:4 

   . 耶和華的祭壇
        瑪 2:13 

 - 安在院內帳幕門前
      出 40:6,29 

 - 上帝使祭壇成聖
      出 29:44 

 - 用聖油膏抹成聖
      出 40:10  利 8:10,11 

 - 用血潔淨
      出 29:36,37 

 - 是至聖的
      出 40:10 

 - 凡挨著壇的都成為聖
      出 29:37 

 - 一切的祭都獻在祭壇上
      出 29:38-42  賽 56:7 

 - 一切禮物呈現在此
      太 5:23,24 

 - 污穢或有瑕疵的不能獻在壇上
      利 22:22  瑪 1:7,8 

 - 奉獻燔祭壇所獻的祭
      民 7:1-89 

 - 壇上的火
   . 從耶和華面前出來
        利 9:24 

   . 常常燒著
        利 6:13 

   . 燒掉祭牲
        利 1:8,9 

 - 理當把祭牲牽到壇角
      詩 118:27 

 - 祭牲的血抹在壇的四角, 血則倒在壇角   
      出 29:12  利 4:7,18,25  8:15 

 - 祭司
   . 唯有他們能擔任燔祭壇的服事
        民 18:3,7 

   . 取壇上之物而食之
        林前 9:13 

 - 亞哈斯王移動並褻瀆了祭壇
      王下 16:10-16 

 - 猶太人因向著壇輕浮地起誓而遭譴責
      太 23:18,19 

 - 基督的象徵
      來 13:10 
 - Dimensions, &c of
      Ex 27:1  38:1 

 - Horns on the corners of
      Ex 27:2  38:2 

 - Covered with brass
      Ex 27:2 

 - All its vessels of brass
      Ex 27:3  38:3 

 - A net-working grate of brass placed in
      Ex 27:4,5  38:4 

 - Furnished with rings and staves
      Ex 27:6,7  38:5-7 

 - Made after a divine pattern
      Ex 27:8 

   . The brazen altar
        Ex 39:39  1Ki 8:64 

   . The altar of God
        Ps 43:4 

   . The altar of the Lord
        Mal 2:13 

 - Placed in the court before the door of the tabernacle
      Ex 40:6,29 

 - Sanctified by God
      Ex 29:44 

 - Anointed and sanctified with holy oil
      Ex 40:10  Le 8:10,11 

 - Cleansed and purified with blood
      Ex 29:36,37 

 - Was most holy
      Ex 40:10 

 - Sanctified whatever touched it
      Ex 29:37 

 - All sacrifices to be offered on
      Ex 29:38-42  Isa 56:7 

 - All gifts to be presented at
      Mt 5:23,24 

 - Nothing polluted or defective to be offered on
      Le 22:22  Mal 1:7,8 

 - Offering at the dedication of
      Nu 7:1-89 

   . Came from before the Lord
        Le 9:24 

   . Was continually burning
        Le 6:13 

   . Consumed the sacrifices
        Le 1:8,9 

 - Sacrifices bound to the horns of
      Ps 118:27 

 - The blood of sacrifices put on the horns and poured at the
   foot of
      Ex 29:12  Le 4:7,18,25  8:15 

   . Alone to serve
        Nu 18:3,7 

   . Derived support from
        1Co 9:13 

 - Ahaz removed and profaned
      2Ki 16:10-16 

 - The Jews condemned for swearing lightly by
      Mt 23:18,19 

 - A type of Christ
      Heb 13:10 
