主題Peace-offerings (平安祭 )
 - 一頭公牛 (羊) 或母牛 (羊)
      利 3:1,6,12 

 - 獻祭的人必須
   . 自願獻上
        利 19:5 

   . 親自帶來
        利 7:29,30 

   . 按手在祭牲頭上
        利 3:2,8,13 

   . 在會幕門口宰殺祭牲
        利 3:2  8:13 

 - 必須是純全無殘疾的
      利 3:1,6  22:21 

 - 祭司
   . 預備平安祭
        結 46:2 

   . 將血灑在壇上
        利 3:2,8,13 

   . 將內臟的脂油獻為火祭
        利 3:3,4,9,10 

   . 將脂油放在每日的燔祭上, 一起燒盡
        利 3:5  6:12,13 

   . 搖祭牲的胸, 作為搖祭
        出 29:26,28  利 7:29,30 

   . 舉起祭牲的右腿, 作為舉祭
        出 29:22-27 

   . 胸和腿是他的份
        出 29:28  利 7:31-34 

   . 最蒙悅納的獻祭
        利 3:5,16 

   . 通常伴隨著燔祭
        士 21:4  撒上 10:8  王上 3:15 

   . 往往伴隨著贖罪祭
        利 23:19 

 - 被獻上
   . 作為感謝祭
        利 7:12,13 

   . 作為還願祭
        利 7:16 

   . 為了與上帝和好
        結 45:15  弗 2:13,14 

   . 為了確認法定的聖約
        出 24:5 

   . 在祭司承接聖職時
        出 29:22,29 

   . 為了所有百姓
        利 9:4 

   . 在拿細耳人許願的日子滿了之時
        民 6:14 

   . 在所有節日
        民 10:10 

   . 為會幕行奉獻禮之時
        民 7:17,23 

   . 為聖殿行奉獻之禮時
        王上 8:62-64 

   . 在王的加冕典禮上
        撒上 11:15 

   . 約書亞凱旋時
        書 8:31 

   . 以色列人戰敗時
        士 20:26 

   . 大衛將約櫃帶回時
        撒下 6:17 

   . 瘟疫過後大衛獻上
        撒下 24:25 

   . 所羅門一年三次獻上
        王上 9:25 

   . 瑪拿西修復祭壇後獻上
        代下 33:15,16 

 - 若為感謝祭, 獻的當天要吃掉
      利 7:15 

 - 若為還願祭, 當天或隔天要吃掉
      利 7:16,17  19:6-8 

 - 要在耶和華面前吃
      申 12:17,18 

 - 不潔的人不得吃
      利 7:20,21 

 - A male or female of herd or flock
      Le 3:1,6,12 

   . To give it freely
        Le 19:5 

   . To bring it himself
        Le 7:29,30 

   . To lay his hand upon its head
        Le 3:2,8,13 

   . To kill it at tabernacle door
        Le 3:2  8:13 

 - Required to be perfect and free from blemish
      Le 3:1,6  22:21 

   . Prepared
        Eze 46:2 

   . Sprinkled the blood on the altar
        Le 3:2,8,13 

   . Offered the inside fat, &c by fire
        Le 3:3,4,9,10 

   . Laid it upon the daily burnt offering to be consumed with
        Le 3:5  6:12,13 

   . Waved the breast as a wave-offering
        Ex 29:26,28  Le 7:29,30 

   . Heaved the right shoulder as an heave-offering
        Ex 29:22-27 

   . Had the shoulder and breast as his portion
        Ex 29:28  Le 7:31-34 

   . An offering most acceptable
        Le 3:5,16 

   . Generally accompanied by a burnt-offering
        Jud 21:4  1Sa 10:8  1Ki 3:15 

   . Often accompanied by a sin-offering
        Le 23:19 

   . As a thanksgiving-offering
        Le 7:12,13 

   . As a votive offering
        Le 7:16 

   . For reconciliation
        Eze 45:15  Eph 2:13,14 

   . For confirming the legal covenant
        Ex 24:5 

   . At consecration of priests
        Ex 29:22,29 

   . For the people at large
        Le 9:4 

   . At expiration of Nazarite's vow
        Nu 6:14 

   . At all the festivals
        Nu 10:10 

   . At dedication of tabernacle
        Nu 7:17,23 

   . At dedication of temple
        1Ki 8:62-64 

   . At coronation of kings
        1Sa 11:15 

   . By Joshua after his victories
        Jos 8:31 

   . By Israel after their defeat
        Jud 20:26 

   . By David on bringing up the ark
        2Sa 6:17 

   . By David after the plague
        2Sa 24:25 

   . By Solomon three times a year
        1Ki 9:25 

   . By Manasseh on repairing and restoring the altar
        2Ch 33:15,16 

 - If a thanksgiving offering to be eaten the day offered
      Le 7:15 

 - If a votive offering to be eaten the same day or the next
      Le 7:16,17  19:6-8 

 - To be eaten before the Lord
      De 12:17,18 

 - No unclean person to eat of
      Le 7:20,21 
