主題Rebellion Against God (悖逆上帝 )
 - 人不可悖逆上帝
      民 14:9  書 22:19 

 - 激怒上帝
      民 16:30  尼 9:26 

 - 激怒基督
      出 23:20,21  林前 10:9 

 - 使聖靈擔憂
      賽 63:10 

 - 展現在
   . 不信
        申 9:23  詩 106:24,25 

   . 厭棄祂的管轄
        撒上 8:7  15:23 

   . 違抗
        賽 1:5  31:6 

   . 蔑視祂的律法
        尼 9:26 

   . 蔑視祂的旨意
        詩 107:11 

   . 懷疑祂的能力
        結 17:15 

   . 抱怨祂
        民 20:3,10 

   . 不肯聆聽祂的話
        申 9:23  結 20:8  亞 7:11 

   . 背離祂
        賽 59:13 

   . 悖逆祂所任命的管理者
        書 1:18 

   . 偏離祂的誡命
        但 9:5 

   . 偏離了上帝所設立的敬拜
        出 32:8,9  書 22:16-19 

   . 得罪光明
        伯 24:13  約 15:22  徒 13:41 

   . 隨己意行事
        賽 65:2 

 - 跟下列事物有關
   . 倔強
        申 31:27 

   . 不公和敗壞
        賽 1:23 

   . 輕視上帝
        詩 107:11 

   . 人有悖逆上帝的傾向
        申 31:27  羅 7:14-18 

   . 心是悖逆上帝之所在
        耶 5:23  太 15:18,19  來 3:12 

 - 犯了悖逆上帝之罪的人
   . 因悖逆上帝而罪加一等
        伯 34:27 

   . 行為偽善, 好掩藏背叛上帝
        何 7:14 

   . 堅持悖逆上帝
        申 9:7,24 

   . 儘管受管教, 卻變本加厲
        賽 1:5 

   . 受警告不得高舉自己
        詩 66:7 

   . 受到譴責
        賽 30:1 

   . 有上帝與他們為敵
        賽 63:10 

   . 上帝的手攻擊他們
        撒上 12:15  詩 106:26,27 

   . 因悖逆上帝而變得窮困
        詩 68:6 

   . 因悖逆上帝而被貶低
        詩 107:11,12 

   . 由於悖逆上帝而被交在敵人手中
        尼 9:26,27 

   . 因悖逆上帝而在罪中被逐出
        詩 5:10 

   . 因悖逆上帝而被逐出教會
        結 20:38 

   . 只能透過基督恢復地位
        詩 68:18 

 - 悖逆上帝是十惡不赦的
      撒上 15:23 

 - 悖逆上帝的罪
   . 因上帝父親般的看護而罪加一等
        賽 1:2 

   . 因上帝不斷召人回轉歸向祂而罪加一等
        賽 65:2 

   . 應當被反對
        書 22:29 

   . 應當被承認
        哀 1:18,20  但 9:5 

 - 唯有上帝能饒恕
      但 9:9 

 - 上帝隨時預備要饒恕
      尼 9:17 

 - 宗教訓誨用意是要防止人悖逆上帝
      詩 78:5,8 

 - 給避免悖逆上帝之人的應許
      申 28:1-13  撒上 12:14 

 - 一旦悔改就被赦免
      尼 9:26,27 

 - 牧者
   . 受告誡不可悖逆上帝
        結 2:8 

   . 被差派往犯了悖逆上帝之罪的人那裡去
        結 2:3-7  3:4-9  可 12:4-8 

   . 應當告誡人不可悖逆上帝
        民 14:9 

   . 應當見證悖逆上帝的不是
        賽 30:8,9  結 17:12  44:6 

   . 應當提醒其會眾過去的叛離
        申 9:7  31:27 

 - 悖逆上帝的懲罰
      利 26:14-39  撒上 12:15  賽 1:20  耶 4:16-18  結 20:8,38 

 - 教人悖逆上帝的懲罰
      耶 28:16 

 - 對上帝忘恩負義-說明
      賽 1:2,3 

 - 例子
   . 法老
        出 5:1,2 

   . 可拉一黨人
        民 16:11 

   . 摩西和亞倫
        民 20:12,24 

   . 以色列人
        申 9:23,24 

   . 掃羅
        撒上 15:9,23 

   . 耶羅波安
        王上 12:28-33 

   . 西底家
        代下 36:13 

   . 以色列國
        何 7:14  13:16 
 - Forbidden
      Nu 14:9  Jos 22:19 

 - Provokes God
      Nu 16:30  Ne 9:26 

 - Provokes Christ
      Ex 23:20,21  1Co 10:9 

 - Vexes the Holy Spirit
      Isa 63:10 

   . Unbelief
        De 9:23  Ps 106:24,25 

   . Rejecting his government
        1Sa 8:7  15:23 

   . Revolting from him
        Isa 1:5  31:6 

   . Despising his law
        Ne 9:26 

   . Despising his counsels
        Ps 107:11 

   . Distrusting his power
        Eze 17:15 

   . Murmuring against him
        Nu 20:3,10 

   . Refusing to hearken to him
        De 9:23  Eze 20:8  Zec 7:11 

   . Departing from him
        Isa 59:13 

   . Rebellion against governors appointed by him
        Jos 1:18 

   . Departing from his precepts
        Da 9:5 

   . Departing from his instituted worship
        Ex 32:8,9  Jos 22:16-19 

   . Sinning against light
        Job 24:13  Joh 15:22  Ac 13:41 

   . Walking after our own thoughts
        Isa 65:2 

   . Stubbornness
        De 31:27 

   . Injustice and corruption
        Isa 1:23 

   . Contempt of God
        Ps 107:11 

   . Man is prone to
        De 31:27  Ro 7:14-18 

   . The heart is the seat of
        Jer 5:23  Mt 15:18,19  Heb 3:12 

   . Aggravate their sin by
        Job 34:27 

   . Practise hypocrisy to hide
        Ho 7:14 

   . Persevere in
        De 9:7,24 

   . Increase in, though chastised
        Isa 1:5 

   . Warned not to exalt themselves
        Ps 66:7 

   . Denounced
        Isa 30:1 

   . Have God as their enemy
        Isa 63:10 

   . Have God's hand against them
        1Sa 12:15  Ps 106:26,27 

   . Impoverished for
        Ps 68:6 

   . Brought low for
        Ps 107:11,12 

   . Delivered into the hands of enemies on account of
        Ne 9:26,27 

   . Cast out in their sins for
        Ps 5:10 

   . Cast out of the church for
        Eze 20:38 

   . Restored through Christ alone
        Ps 68:18 

 - Heinousness of
      1Sa 15:23 

   . Aggravated by God's fatherly care
        Isa 1:2 

   . Aggravated by God's unceasing invitations to return to him
        Isa 65:2 

   . To be deprecated
        Jos 22:29 

   . To be confessed
        La 1:18,20  Da 9:5 

 - God alone can forgive
      Da 9:9 

 - God is ready to forgive
      Ne 9:17 

 - Religious instruction designed to prevent
      Ps 78:5,8 

 - Promises to those who avoid
      De 28:1-13  1Sa 12:14 

 - Forgiven upon repentance
      Ne 9:26,27 

   . Cautioned against
        Eze 2:8 

   . Sent to those guilty of
        Eze 2:3-7  3:4-9  Mr 12:4-8 

   . Should warn against
        Nu 14:9 

   . Should testify against
        Isa 30:8,9  Eze 17:12  44:6 

   . Should remind their people of past
        De 9:7  31:27 

 - Punishment for
      Le 26:14-39  1Sa 12:15  Isa 1:20  Jer 4:16-18  Eze

 - Punishment for teaching
      Jer 28:16 

 - Ingratitude of-Illustrated
      Isa 1:2,3 

 - Exemplified
   . Pharaoh
        Ex 5:1,2 

   . Korah &c
        Nu 16:11 

   . Moses and Aaron
        Nu 20:12,24 

   . Israelites
        De 9:23,24 

   . Saul
        1Sa 15:9,23 

   . Jeroboam
        1Ki 12:28-33 

   . Zedekiah
        2Ch 36:13 

   . Kingdom of Israel
        Ho 7:14  13:16 
