編號 | T0000549 |
主題 | Summer (夏天 ) |
中文內容 | - 為上帝所造 詩 74:17 - 神人之約確保夏天年年復返 創 8:22 - 特徵 . 酷熱 耶 17:8 . 大旱 詩 32:4 - 樹木發嫩芽表示夏天快到了 太 24:32 - 很多水果在夏天成熟,為人所食用 撒下 16:1 耶 40:10 48:32 - 古代人有避暑用的房子 士 3:20,24 摩 3:15 - 螞蟻在夏天預備過冬的食物 箴 6:8 30:25 - 智慧人在夏天勤奮工作 箴 10:5 - 用來說明恩典的時節 耶 8:20 |
內容 | - Made by God Ps 74:17 - Yearly return of, secured by covenant Ge 8:22 - Characterised By . Excessive heat Jer 17:8 . Excessive drought Ps 32:4 - Approach of, indicated by shooting out of leaves on trees Mt 24:32 - Many kinds of fruit were ripe and used during 2Sa 16:1 Jer 40:10 48:32 - The ancients had houses or apartments suited to Jud 3:20,24 Am 3:15 - The ant provided her winter food during Pr 6:8 30:25 - The wise are diligent during Pr 10:5 - Illustrative of seasons of grace Jer 8:20 |