     伯 15:21,24  27:6  箴 20:12  太 5:15,16  6:22,23 
     路 11:33-36  徒 23:1  24:16  羅 2:14,15  7:15-22,23  9:1 
     羅 14:1-23  林前 8:7-13  10:32  林後 1:12  4:2  5:11  提前 1:5,19 
     提前 3:9  來 9:14  10:22  13:18  彼前 2:19  3:16,21  約一 3:20,21 

   .法老, 差點納亞伯拉罕的妻子為妾
       創 12:18,19 
   .亞比米勒, 差點納以撒的妻子為妾
       創 26:9-11 
   .雅各, 照理拉班的財產
       創 31:39 
   .約瑟, 波提乏的妻子企圖引誘他
       創 39:7-12 
   .尼希米, 管理稅收
       尼 5:15 
   .但以理, 不肯吃王的肉、喝王的酒
       但 1:8 
   .彼得, 宣告上帝的旨意
       徒 4:19,20  5:29 
   .見 誠實/正直 
   .見 正直/剛正不阿 

     伯 15:21,24  詩 51:1-4,7-14  73:21  箴 28:1  賽 59:9-14 
     太 14:1,2  27:3-5  可 6:14,16  約 8:9  徒 2:37  提前 4:2 
     多 1:15  來 9:14  10:26,27 

   .亞當和夏娃, 犯罪以後
       創 3:7,8 
   .雅各, 詐騙以掃以後
       創 33:1-12 
       創 42:21  44:16 
   .法老, 災殃過後
       出 9:27 
   .米迦, 偷竊以後
       士 17:1,2 
         撒上 24:5 
         撒下 24:10 
     .因為通姦, 還有謀殺烏利亞
         詩 32  詩 38  40:11,12 
         詩 51 
   .約押, 數點以色列民
       代上 21:1-7 
       王下 7:8-10 
       王上 13:29-32 
   .希律, 因為將施洗約翰斬首
       太 14:2  路 9:7 
   .彼得, 不認主以後
       太 26:75  可 14:72  路 22:62 
   .猶大, 出賣主耶穌以後
       太 27:3-5 
       約 8:9 

     箴 16:25  30:20  耶 6:15  摩 6:1,3-6  約 16:2,3 
     羅 1:21-25  弗 4:17-19  提前 4:2  多 1:15 
   .見 瞎眼/盲目 , 靈性盲目
 -General scriptures concerning
     Job 15:21,24  27:6  Pr 20:12  Mt 5:15,16  6:22,23  Lu
    11:33-36  Ac 23:1  24:16  Ro 2:14,15  7:15-22,23  9:1  14:1-23  1Co 8:7-13  10:32  2Co 1:12  4:2  5:11  1Ti 1:5,19  3:9  Heb 9:14  10:22  13:18  1Pe 2:19  3:16,21  1Jo 3:20,21 

     .Of Pharaoh, when he took Abraham's wife for a concubine
         Ge 12:18,19 
   .Of Abimelech, when he took Isaac's wife for a concubine
       Ge 26:9-11 
   .Of Jacob, in his care of Laban's property
       Ge 31:39 
   .Of Joseph, when Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him
       Ge 39:7-12 
   .Of Nehemiah, in the matter of taxes
       Ne 5:15 
   .Of Daniel, in refusing to eat of the king's meat and wine
       Da 1:8 
   .Of Peter, in declaring the whole counsel of God
       Ac 4:19,20  5:29 

     Job 15:21,24  Ps 51:1-4,7-14  73:21  Pr 28:1  Isa 59:9-14  Mt 14:1,2  27:3-5  Mr 6:14,16  Joh 8:9  Ac 2:37  1Ti 4:2  Tit 1:15  Heb 9:14  10:26,27 

   .Of Adam and Eve, after they sinned
       Ge 3:7,8 
   .Of Jacob, after he defrauded Esau
       Ge 33:1-12 
   .Of Joseph's brethren
       Ge 42:21  44:16 
   .Of Pharaoh, after the plagues
       Ex 9:27 
   .Of Micah, after stealing
       Jud 17:2 
   .Of David
     .For having cut off Saul's skirt
         1Sa 24:5 
     .For having numbered the people of Israel
         2Sa 24:10 
     .For his adultery and the murder of Uriah
         Ps 32  38  40:11,12  51 
   .Of Joab, for numbering Israel
       1Ch 21:1-7 
   .Of the lepers of Samaria
       2Ki 7:8-10 
   .Of the old prophet of Beth-el
       1Ki 13:29-32 
   .Of Herod for beheading John the Baptist
       Mt 14:2  Lu 9:7 
   .Of Peter, after denying the Lord
       Mt 26:75  Mr 14:72  Lu 22:62 
   .Of Judas, after betraying the Lord Jesus
       Mt 27:3-5 
   .The accusers of the woman taken in adultery
       Joh 8:9 

     Pr 16:25  30:20  Jer 6:15  Am 6:1,3-6  Joh 16:2,3  Ro
    1:21-25  Eph 4:17-19  1Ti 4:2  Tit 1:15 
