主題NEHEMIAH (尼希米 )
 -1. 哈迦利亞的兒子
     尼 1:1 
   .亞達薛西的酒政, 是非常受信賴的職位
       尼 1:11  2:1 
       尼 1 
       尼 2:1-8 
       尼 7 
       尼 12:1-22 
       尼 2  3  4  5  6 
       尼 5  6  8  9  10  11  13 

 -2. 兩個被擄歸回耶路撒冷的猶太人
     拉 2:2  尼 3:16  7:7 

 -1. Son of Hachaliah
     Ne 1:1 
   .The cupbearer of Artaxerxes, a very trusted position
       Ne 1:11  2:1 
   .Is grieved over the desolation of his country
       Ne 1 
   .Is sent by the king to rebuild Jerusalem
       Ne 2:1-8 
   .Register of the people whom he led from Babylon
       Ne 7 
   .Register of the priests and Levites
       Ne 12:1-22 
   .Rebuilds Jerusalem
       Ne 2  3  4  5  6 
   .His administration as ruler of the people
       Ne 5  6  8  9  10  11  13 

 -2. Two Jews who returned to Jerusalem from exile
     Ezr 2:2  Ne 3:16  7:7 
